Brendons Story

Brendon Campos, Age 23

Brendon Campos

Age 23,
Waldwick, NJ

3/7/1989 – 5/25/2012




I Love You

in his own words

“I’m a pretty denominational guy
I enjoy a good laugh, good friends,
and all is well that ends well.
I care about realist things.
I’m not terribly concerned about things
I can’t control i.e. anything that’s not myself…
I’m fun. I like to have fun. And if u Really
look at my profile, u’ll probably notice that…
I don’t really know why I was put on earth
or if I was put here for a reason…
I’m gonna have Fun!
Love is love, and I love luv…
So show me some love if u got it,
if not, its not like I need it,
but ur free to join the party 😉
so get at me n I’ll Hollla back!”

-Brendon Michael Campos


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